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My car makes a rattling sound when I push the gas pedal.

Car: Toyota, Corolla, 1998     -    Back to Fix-It    -    Toyota Repair Manuals

Q.My car makes a rattling sound when I push the gas pedal. The sound doesn't get any louder at higher speeds and it doesn't make the sound when I let off the gas or break or push the gas pedal from the parked position. The sound seems to be coming from the left front driver side area. I was told my left inner tir rod had some play to it when I got my tires aligned. Is that what's making the sound or is it something else?

Honda, Johnson/Evinrude, Mercury Service Manuals

Addition The sound is a grinding/rattling sound. The sound is only coming from the left front side.

More Info required does the noise change when you are turning left or right? Or does that effect the noise at all?

Addition I haven't noticed a difference when I turn. Just whenever I apply the gas pedal while in drive, it makes that sound.
When I had the car in park and applied pressure to the pedal, however, it didn't make that sound so I'm guessing it's not the engine or anything under the hood.
It sounds like ts coming from underneath and only makes noise while in motion (but not when coasting or breaking, just when I apply pressure to the gas pedal).

Answer ok ..if it was a loose rack end the noise would happen over bumps on or off the gas, hitting a dip in the road, bumps, etc. So i would rule that out by your description..
it is possible this could be a loose and rattling heat shield on the exhaust..
possibly and axle, or a gas ping,,
1. If possible try driving the car into a turn both left and right turn while accelerating and see if noise may want to do this in an empty parking lot..
2.does the noise happen even on a cold engine right away as soon as you are pressing the gas?
3.if possible can you put car in drive and hold 1 foot tight on the brakes and give a little gas with the other foot and see if you hear the rattle..?
you may want to do this in an empty parking lot also
then let me know what happens on any of theser.. if you dont feel comfortable doing 1 and 3 just let me know on question 2..

Addition It happens even on a cold engine. I will be driving home from work soon so I will try out your suggestions and get back to you later tonight.

Answer ok.. just be carefull.. try to find an empty parking lot..

Addition I realized it actually doesnt happen on a completely cold engine, it takes a minute or two to start up when I first pull out at low speeds. I didnt have my foot on the brake while I was in park, but I just pushed the gas pedal and heard no rattle. Turns do not change the sound.

Answer ok.. i thought you may have a heat shield rattle but generally there are worse when the engine is cold..
are you familiar with what a gas ping sounds like?

Addition i do not know what that would sound like. I also have a small thing to add on though which may or may not be related. Every once in a while (very rarely) the brakes squeak when I brake, but the brakes were just replaced so I don't understand this. With both of these things though, are they anything serious do you think or can I go without fixing them?

Answer noises can be hard to try to describe and diagnose without hearing them,,i would describe a gas ping as marbles rolling around in a frying pan..when you are low on gas try filling the tank with 5 gallons of premium fuel 92 octane and drive a see if noise changes..
as far as the brake squeak, usually thats not a safety issue, you may want to call the shop where you had the work done and at least make them aware of the fact that you are getting a squeak and see if they want you to bring the car in for a test drive ..

Addition I don't think that sound would describe what I hear. But when I first got the car it made the sound bad, it had no fuel almost. I filled it up and the sound then took about a minute to start up and it was quieter than before once the gas tank was filled. But it still always makes the sound when I push the gas even now. Do you not thnik it has anything to do with the inner tie rod which I was told has some play? The sound does seem to be coming from this area, left front.

Answer i think you should take the car in for someone to at least test drive if its a steering issue that is causing the noise that could be a safety issue.. ive never seen an inner tie rod end only make the noise on acceleration, but anything is possible..

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Honda, Johnson/Evinrude, Mercury Service Manuals