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My clutch went..

Car: Honda, Prelude, 1992     -    Back to Fix-It    -    Honda Prelude Repair Manuals

Q.I have a 92' Honda Prelude 5 speed. I went to turn into my driveway yesterday, press the clutch pedal in, shifted down to 2nd gear but when I released the clutch pedal the clutch didnt engage. The clutch pedal feels normal pushing it in and out. Even with the car in gear it will roll like it's in neutral. I know it's not the slave or master cylinder and both axle's seem to be in tact. Any help?

More Info required Ok when was the last time the clutch was replaced?

Addition The clutch, pressure plate and throwout bearing were replaced probable three or four years ago but only have probably less than 5k on them. However the person thats been driving the car for the last month is a manual trans newbie.

Answer OK that explains everything. Unfortunately they most likely wiped the clutch disc out.

Addition If they wiped the clutch out ( dont really know what you mean by that) wouldn't the clutch have started to slip? Also wouldn't the car, with it in gear, not roll like it was in neutral? I've experienced the clutch going out in the car before but it was a process of getting worse and worse over time. It got to the point of slipping real bad but it still wouldn't roll while in gear.

Answer Not if the pressure plate itself went bad and the disck is all the way worn down with nothing left. If the slave and master is ok and the pedal is not soft then it has to do with the clutch. If it was internal it would not go into gear. I have seen clutches go bad causing all sorts of different issues.

Addition Internal? Do you mean the transmission? Are you saying the pressure plate could go bad ( popped springs or something) and clutch plate still have disc left?

Answer Yes thats also possiblem. Yes internal would be in the transmission itself but if that was the issue it would be hard going into gear and making a loud grinding noise.

Addition If the pressure plate went bad and popped the springs or something is it possible that it could break and not be engaged with the clutch disc? I would think that if the pressure plate went bad that it would still be ehgaged with the clutch disc and you would not be able to roll the car while in gear.

Answer Its usually a combination pf the pressure plate and the clutch disc most of the time its the disc. Honestly these are what I would have checked next. If the new driver is always engauging the clutch the disc will wear to almost nothing. This is what I would have checked next unless the for the through out bearing rests on came off these need to be checked next.

Addition 2 last questions.
1. Could the driver have worn out the disc in a month?
2. I did not understand the last sentence about the throwout bearing.

Answer Yes defiantely I had a customer last week never drove a manual transmission before bought a 2009 civic si and wore out the clutch at 4000 miles and they had to pay for the repair. It should have said the fork where the bearing rests on .

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