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I believe we have an electrical problem with the car.

Car: Honda, Civic, 2001     -    Back to Fix-It    -    Honda Civic Repair Manuals

Q.I believe we have an electrical problem with the car. The headlights keep blowing out bulbs the radio stopped working and now the powe locks on the doors doe not work. Can you suggest what the best course of action is?

I already checked/done: We replaced the bulbs in the headlights several times now and was going to replace the radio when the door locks when out also. So now we are think maybe all of this is related somehow before we go forward with any more work

More Info required Ok have you checked the fuses in the under dash fuse box also there was a headlight switch recall on this car has this ever been done.

Addition Yes we did look at the fuse box and all looks to be good there.

Answer Ok this can all be caused from the wire for the headlight switch melting the recall you replace the headlight switch and blown fuse has the recall been done.

Addition We did not receive a recall on headlight switch melting when did it come out.

Answer It was a few years back you need to call your local dealer and give them your vin number and have them check to see if the recall was done if not need to have ot done, by removing the steering colum covers then you can tract the headlight switch wires you can see if its melted but call the dealer first to see if its covered.

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